The making of a Wooden Bellyboard
Our latest film in collaboration with Gokotta Film shares the unique making process that goes into every single wooden bellyboard to create that organic feel and an incomparably likeable aesthetic. The process is a journey from a single sheet of plywood to an alternative surf craft.
Custom Belly Boards
Incase you didn't know, our branded Dick Pearce and Friends Bellyboards aren't the only boards that we produce here in the workshop - we share the ply-love with a whole range of different clients and because we ship worldwide our boards are being enjoyed on an international scale - something we are truly proud of.
Tis the Season to go Belly Sliding
Everywhere we look things are getting a little festive and now we're officially into December our thoughts turn to Christmas traditions, cold water surfing, defrosting by the log burner and buying gifts for our loved ones and if you're anything like us, trying not to leave the Christmas shopping to a last minute panic buy is part of the annual challenge!
Come and Visit Our Workshop
Here at Dick Pearce and Friends HQ, we consider our workshop to be a bellyboard production powerhouse! It’s here we make each board by hand and have divided our workshop into dedicated sections to allow for each stage of the manufacturing process.
Introducing the New Mini Puffling
Here at Dick Pearce and Friends HQ our passion for wave riding and excitement to share this historically popular sport is always at the forefront of what we do.
South Cornwall
South Cornwall looking very tropical. Flashback to a January session - We surfed for hours and took the bellyboards out as the tide got too high.
In December we headed South for 3 weeks of exploring India - between Kochi and Varkala in the state of Kerala. We took a quiver of surfboards and bellyboards and scored some really fun waves - the bellyboards were perfect for warm water shore breaks!